Protecting your children's eyes from the sun

When the sun is shining on a nice warm summer day it's great to wear sunglasses. It looks good and it protects our eyes from harmful UV rays which can cause long term damage. Sometimes it's easy to forget that our children have even more sensitive eyes that need protecting.

Traditionally, to protect your childs eyes you would either use a hat that allows a shadow to form over the eyes or some other way of cover the sun so the eyes are shielded by a shadow. That's all well and good but the eyes aren't actually being covered. If your child looks up there will be no protection.

What are the risks?

The risks associated with prolonged UV exposure on infants' eyes are endless. There are many eye related health problems and even sight loss can become a problem. The young babies eyes aren't able to cope with extreme UV rays and can cause pain to the baby when outside after only a few minutes.

Imagine how it would feel, as a parent, if you child develops problems later on in life; problems that could have been easily prevented by protecting your Childs eyes from the sun.

Baby Banz

Baby Banz are a great solution, allowing your children to wear sunglasses at a very young age. Baby Banz feature a strap which wraps around the back of the head to prevent the sunglasses from falling off or slipping on the face. They also look adorable on any baby!

Baby Banz were first designed in Australia where the suns UV rays are at their highest and toughest. Baby Banz have been clinically tested by one of the world's leading authorities. Baby Banz sunglasses are safe and provide the maximum protection for your child. They've passed very high standards and tests making them perfectly safe.

A stylish solution

You really do have to see the Baby Banz on to see how amazingly adorable they are! They're quite a unique solution since not many other brands offer sunglasses to babies. Your baby can have that cool look and instantly impress anyone they meet!

Whilst some people see dressing your baby up to be stylish as inappropriate, others love it! When it comes down to it, there's nothing wrong with having a fashionable baby! People are likely to compliment you, and your family will have a cool looking younger member.

So, if you're heading out into the sun this summer; remember your children's eyes aren't as strong as yours. If you need to wear sunglasses then your children definitely need to wear sunglasses. It's the responsible thing to do and it will prevent any damage to your child. What's more, you can even get your children looking as stylish as you on the next family outing!

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